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MyCredit Ukraine received the 'Best Contact Center for Development' award

27 окт. 2023 г.


On October 26th, the tenth annual award ceremony for the best of the best in the contact center and customer service industry at the DZWINNER-2023 awards took place!

This year, we witnessed an important fact — despite challenging circumstances, the service industry has become even more robust and sophisticated. The number of exemplary professional cases in contact center work has grown so much that the Jury could not single out just one.

As many as 9 employees of MyCredit Ukraine received special distinctions in the categories 'SUPERVISOR OF THE YEAR' and 'CONSULTANT OF THE YEAR'. In addition, we were awarded the “Best Contact Center for Development” award.

The 'DZWINNER' award is granted to representatives of the contact center industry for their contributions to the development of the industry.

The evaluation of the works is carried out by market experts of contact centers based on the regulations of the Jury's work. The determination of the winners among the finalists in the categories 'Contact Center of the Year' and 'Person of the Year' is conducted by leading industry experts as part of the practical conference 'Contact Centers: Best Practices | Sales&Service'.

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