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🚀 OnCredit Sri Lanka
Optimized scoring process
Switched to a new payment system.
Started working with new partners.
🚀 СlickСredit Ukraine
We have reduced the daily interest rate for returning customers from 2.5% to 1.5%.
Automated and improved retargeting notifications.
Added an additional payment system, Unex.
🚀 MyCredit Ukraine
We have reduced the daily interest rate for returning customers from 2.5% to 1.5%.
Significantly reduced costs on service SMS messages by improving the SMS delivery system.
🚀 Monto Ukraine
Issued the first 10,000 loans!
Switched to a new interest rate of 1.5% per day.
Launched additional advertising channels.
Released mobile apps.
Launched the first promotion for customers.
Beyond possible! 🚀
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