News digest: August-September 2023
🚀 OnCredit Vietnam
1. Launched a hybrid product for new customers with the option to borrow a larger amount for a longer period.
2. Integrated an additional service that will enhance customer scoring and verification.
3. Simplified the process of registering new customers.
4. Optimized TOP-UP service for clients
🚀 OnCredit Shri-Lanka
1. Launched a hybrid product for new customers with the option to borrow a larger amount for a longer period
2. Integrated a new risk service that will enhance scoring and reduce costs
3. Made changes to the verification process for new and existing customers
3. Organized a children's day for the children of company employees
🚀 ClickCredit Poland
1. Implemented a card product for repeat customers
2. Started working with CPA partners
3. Launched the collection team to work with overdue debt
🚀 ClickCredit Ukraine
1. Celebrated the company's 3rd anniversary
2. Complied with the National Bank of Ukraine's requirements for customer passport verification
🚀 MyCredit Ukraine
1. Received an award in the National Quality Rating of Goods and Services "Quality Star-2022"
2. Celebrated the company's 7th anniversary
3. Participated in a Ukrainian Credit Conference
4. Complied with the National Bank of Ukraine's requirements for enhanced customer passport verification
🚀 SpaceCrew Finance Company:
SpaceCrew Finance held two corporate parties for the kids of our staff in Ukraine and Sri Lanka this summer
Beyond possible! 🚀